Thursday, 19 November 2015

Class Reps Election As Students Thrill In Excitement - 500LT

As the new session begins with all its glamour and relish for stalites of Uniben, for the freshers, it was a time of stress and settling down.

Among other things the freshers would be open to is to the role that would be played by the stalites in the school.

Sure enough the stalites were up to the task. Soon after lectures commenced, the elections and votings for the LT, class, course, department and faculty representatives began.

The stalites who were concerned with the governing of the electorial processes soon swung to action, organising the freshers and educating on various issues among which was the voting of reps into place. The enlightment was short though not after the setback that was experience in bringing the noisy crowd of freshers to keep calm and cordially participate in the events.

At long last a little sanity was restored and finally the votings began and after the day's, the following reps were elected and placed into office:

500LT Class rep and Assistant Class rep

Faculty of Life Science Rep and Assistant Rep

Faculty Of Physical Science Rep and Assistant rep

Consequentially Departmental reps and assistant reps was conducted in various gatherings outside the Lt.

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